Extensive set of statistical data describing the Voivodship's socio-economic situation in a spatial perspective. Information on the Voivodship and selected data on powiats, gminas and subregions enabling comparisons and analyses of territorial differentiation of phenomena. The statistical material is presented through tables, maps and charts.
ISSN book 0239-7366
Series Statistical Yearbooks
time of publication – December
annual edition
Polish–English version
Vol. ca. 200 pages
size: 166 x 238 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 25,00
Report on the socio-economic situation of Łódzkie Voivodship 2025
Analysis of the diversity of phenomena important for the socio-economic development of the voivodship. The publication presents data from various areas of statistical surveys, including human capital, the residents' quality of life, economy, entrepreneurship development, investment implementation, production and services, infrastructure, public finance, spatial planning and revitalisation, as well as environmental protection. The statistics are presented dynamically (in a multi-year retrospective) and in relation to the national averages. The range of issues is consistent for all voivodships. Statistical data are also visualised through maps and charts.
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – April
annual edition
English version: preface, contents, executive summary, tables, charts, maps
size: 210 x 270 mm
Construction and dwelling economy in łódzkie voivodship in the years 2018-2024
Analysis of construction and assembly production in construction units with more than 9 employees and the effects of construction. Dwelling stocks and housing conditions and information on the management of dwelling stock.
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – November
published every 5-6 years
English version: preface, contents, executive summary, tables, charts, maps
size: 210 x 270 mm
Demographic situation of Łódzkie Voivodship in the years 2021-2024
Analysis of changes in the state and structure as well as in vital statistics and migrations of population. Presentation of the most important demographic phenomena and processes taking place in the voivodship against the background of the country and the characteristics of the territorial differentiation of the demographic situation in the region.
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – July
published every 3 years
English version: preface, contents, executive summary, general notes, tables, charts, maps
size: 210 x 270 mm
Statistical bulletin of Łódzkie Voivodship 2025
Main data and basic indices characterising socio-economic situation of the Voivodship, e.g. related to the labour market, salaries and wages, prices, corporate finance and investments, agriculture, industry, construction and trade.
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – March, June, September, December
quarterly edition
Polish–English version
size: 210 x 270 mm
Łódzkie Voivodship in figures 2025
Brochure presenting major information concerning socio-economic situation and environmental protection in Łódzkie voivodship.
Series Brochures and celebratory publications
time of publication – December
annual edition
Polish–English version
Vol. ca. 30 pages
size: 180 x 180 mm
Łódź in figures 2025
Brochure presenting statistical data on the socio-economic situation of the city of Łódź.
Series Brochures and celebratory publications
time of publication – December
annual edition
Polish–English version
Vol. ca. 22 pages
size: 180 x 180 mm
Living conditions of the population in the Łódzkie Voivodship Edition 2025
Folder containing basic information about demographic processes, income of the population, standard of living, unemployment, wages and social benefits and activities in the field of social services.
Series Brochures and celebratory publications
time of publication – July
annual edition
Polish-English version
Vol. ca. 42 pages
size: 220 x 220 mm