About publication
Statistics Poland (GUS) provides you with the EDITORIAL TITLE-PLAN containing basic information on publications planned for release in 2025. It has been prepared in the form of an interactive catalogue which enables efficient and easy search for publication titles. In contrast to previous years, publications planned to be issued by both the Statistics Poland (GUS) and statistical offices have been collected in one catalogue. They are grouped by subject area, within which it is possible to filter based on publishing series, form and frequency of publication.
The title of each item is accompanied by a short description, information about the planned date of publication and the form of publication. The plan is supplemented by descriptions of the publishing series that shapes the Office's publication system. We invite you to use the publications and other statistical products available on the Statistics Poland (GUS) website: www.stat.gov.pl.
Statistical Products Department
Descriptions of the series
Statistical Yearbooks
Statistical Yearbooks of publications presenting in a comprehensive way the resulting statistical information. They contain annual data, usually on a retrospective basis. They present them in various territorial cross-sections, including as international comparisons. The series publishes collective and thematic (branch) annuals. Aggregate yearbooks contain sets of information from various areas of social and economic life and the environment, and thematic yearbooks - from a specific (usually single) field.
Frequency of publication - annually or at intervals of several years.
Form of publication - printed and electronic. -
Statistical analyses and reports
Publications in which the dominant form of presenting information is an analytical description that takes into account the factors that influence the formation of the described phenomena and the course of processes, with a discussion of cause-and-effect relationships. The elements enriching the descriptive information are tabular and graphic representations of data. Statistical analyses often combine data extracted from multiple surveys, from one or more statistical domains, and non-statistical information. Statistical tables, which complement the publication, are usually an annex to the publication and are available only in electronic version (in Excel, PDF or CSV format) on the GUS website: : www.stat.gov.pl.
Frequency of publication - annual or at greater intervals.
Form of publication - printed and electronic. -
Experimental studies
Publications in which the results of research work are presented, often going beyond the standard practice of statistical work adopted in the system of official statistics. They are developed in an innovative way, using advanced analytical and statistical tools. Experimental work may also include results of research that is in the development stage, refining methodology, or has been conducted using an experimental method.
Frequency of publication - depending on the topic and development of work - one-time or cyclical, not more than once a year.
Form of publication - printed and electronic. -
Brochures and celebratory publications
Publications in this series are characterized by rich graphic design, in which the predominant form of data presentation are charts, maps, infographics and simplified tables. They may be issued regularly or as occasional publications produced in connection with a particular event or activity.
Frequency of publication: regular or irregular (linked to a specific event or activity).
Form of publication - printed and electronic. -
Statistical research methodology
Publications in this publishing series are divided into two groups Methodological report and Classifications and Nomenclatures. The studies constitute auxiliary material for conducting research and statistical analysis for public statistical services and for rapporteurs, as well as educational material for users of statistical data.
The frequency of publication is linked to changes in classifications or survey methodology, or may be driven by the needs of users of statistical information.
Form of publication - printed (mainly for internal use) and electronic. -
Statistical journals
Publications presenting papers by authors, sets of articles from many authors on topics related to statistics and related sciences. Their goal is, among other things. Improving the methodology of statistical research, presenting innovative methods of analysing social and economic changes and addressing current issues in statistics from the national and international perspective.
Frequency of publication: regular (monthly or quarterly).
Form of publication - printed and electronic. -
All studies on censuses (National Population and Housing Census, Agricultural Census) which publish both survey results along with organizational principles, methodologies, explanations of terms, and definitions. /p>
Frequency - according to the census development calendar.
Form of publication - printed and electronic.
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