About publication

Statistics Poland (GUS) provides you with the EDITORIAL TITLE-PLAN containing basic information on publications planned for release in 2025. It has been prepared in the form of an interactive catalogue which enables efficient and easy search for publication titles. In contrast to previous years, publications planned to be issued by both the Statistics Poland (GUS) and statistical offices have been collected in one catalogue. They are grouped by subject area, within which it is possible to filter based on publishing series, form and frequency of publication.

The title of each item is accompanied by a short description, information about the planned date of publication and the form of publication. The plan is supplemented by descriptions of the publishing series that shapes the Office's publication system. We invite you to use the publications and other statistical products available on the Statistics Poland (GUS) website: www.stat.gov.pl.

Statistical Products Department

Descriptions of the series

Distribution of the publications released by the STATISTICS POLAND is handled by:

al. Niepodległości 208, 00-925 Warsaw,1th floor of the Statistics Poland building, block B, room No. 126
phone: +48 22 608 31 45, Fax: +48 22 608 31 83;
e-mail: Sekretariat-ZWS@stat.gov.pl; www.zws.stat.gov.pl

Orders (in a written form, by fax or e-mail) for the sub-scription retail sales, wholesales and mail orders, both in Poland and abroad, are carried out by the Distribution Logistics Divisionroom
No. 055 block D,
phone: +48 22 608 32 10 or + 48 22 608 38 10, fax +48 22 608 38 67
e-mail: zws-sprzedaz@stat.gov.pl; k.kruk@stat.gov.pl

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Orders with incomplete or unclear information on the recipient and/or payer will not be carried out.

Constant sales of all Statistics Poland publications are conducted by: the book-shop of the ground floor of the Statistics Poland building, open: Monday–Friday, 8:00 am – 2:30 pm. Phone +48 22 608 34 27

Retail sales are also handled by bookshops all over the country.

Subscription for all Statistics Poland periodicals is also provided by:

The quickest delivery of publications follows afterpre-payment