Rich set of statistics on the numbers and structure of the population of Poland in 2024, and retrospective data prepared on the basis of population summaries. Data on vital statistics (characteristics of new marriages, adjudged divorces and separations, as well as births and deaths), as well as lifespan and forecast of the population’s condition and structure. Information about internal and international population migrations, and international comparisons allowing for evaluating demographic changes in Poland in comparison with other countries.
ISSN book 1505-6716 Indeks 25 003/00
Series Statistical Yearbooks
time of publication – November
annual edition
Polish-English version
Vol. ca. 570 pages
size: 166 x 238 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 34,00
Poland's demographic situation until 2024
Analysis of demographic processes in recent years and the demographic situation in 2024 (changes in the number and structure of population, general information on births, marriages, divorces, separations, deaths and population migrations).
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – September
annual edition
Polish-English version
size: 210 x 270 mm
Life expectancy tables of Poland in 2024
Analysis for population lifespan according to gender and age, broken down into urban and rural areas. Average lifespan by regions, voivodships and subregions. Analytical commentary with a graphic presentation, as well as a description of calculation methods.
ISSN book 1507-1340 Indeks 25 330/00
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – July
annual edition
Polish-English version
Vol. ca. 80 pages
size: 210 x 270 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 18,00
Population. Size and structure and vital statistics in Poland by territorial division. As of 30th June, as of 31st December
Basic information on the number and structure of population, including residents by sex and age in regions, subregions and voivodships (by urban and rural population) and in powiats, urban gminas and rural gminas. Information on the demographic situation, general data on vital statistic and population migration.
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – April, October
semi-annual edition
Polish-English version
size: 210 x 270 mm
Religious denominations
Religious denominations in Poland in 2022–2024
Analysis collected data on religious denominations in Poland. The publication will include indexes organizing the collected material chronologically, demographically and alphabetically, as well as maps showing the administrative and territorial structures of some churches. In this section, the unit of description will be a briefly characterized denomination. Statistical data will be presented to inform about the quantitative status, territorial distribution and its scope of activity. The structure of religious denominations in Poland will be analyzed.
Indeks 25 905/00
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – November
published every 3 years
English version: preface, contents, tables, charts, maps
Vol. ca. 350 pages
size: 210 x 270 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 30,00
Organization of the State
Area and population in the territorial profile in 2025
Basic information about current data on the area of the country (according to the territorial division as of 1 January 2025), population and population density (as of 31 December 2024, recalculated on 1 January 2025) at various levels of aggregation, resulting from changes introduced annually in the territorial division of the country and changes in the state of population. In addition to the tabular part, the publication contains among others, data sources, methodological notes and synthetic description of the data including a reference to the previous year.
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – July
annual edition
Polish-English version
size: 210 x 270 mm
Labour market
Yearbook of Labour Statistics 2025
Rich set of statistics on the economic activity of the Polish population, employed persons, labour turnover and vacancies, unemployed persons, working conditions, labour costs and wages and salaries. The publication shows essential information on labour market in UE countries.
ISSN book 1426-8760 ISSN on-line 2956-9001 Indeks 25 006/00
Series Statistical Yearbooks
time of publication – December
published every 2 years
Polish-English version
Vol. ca. 400 pages
size: 166 x 238 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 34,00
Labour force survey in Poland 2024
Basic information on the level of professional activity of the population, according to socio-demographic features. The employed according to professional features, employment status, work time. Unemployment characteristics (duration, professional past), and the situation of the disabled on the labour market. Reasons for professional inactivity.
ISSN on-line 2957-0697
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – January, April
semi-annual edition
Polish-English version
size: 210 x 270 mm
Registered unemployment 2025
Basic information the number and structure of the unemployed registered in labour offices by place of residence, demographic and socio-economic characteristics, duration of joblessness. The data concerning unemployment fluctuation: inflow and outflow by various reasons. Unemployment rate for Poland, as well as for the European Union.
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – March, June, September, December
quarterly edition
Polish-English version
size: 210 x 270 mm
The demand for labour in 2024
Basic information of employed persons, created and liquidated jobs and job vacancies, including newly created ones.
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – June
annual edition
Polish-English version
size: 210 x 270 mm
Working Conditions in 2024
Basic information characterising working conditions in Poland, such as the number of persons exposed to hazards at work, risks arising from the work environment, strenuous work and mechanical factors associated with particularly dangerous machinery, as well as the occupational risk.
ISSN on-line 2956-2929
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – June
annual edition
Polish-English version
size: 210 x 270 mm
Accidents at work in 2024
Basic information about accidents at work, injured persons and the consequences and causes of accidents.
ISSN on-line 2956-2937
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – November
annual edition
Polish-English version
size: 210 x 270 mm
Wages and salaries, labour costs
Labour costs in 2024
This survey provides information on basic measures of labour costs (i.e. average labour cost per 1 employed, labour cost of 1 hour paid, labour cost of 1 hour worked), structure of labour costs, structure of average monthly remuneration, as well as structure of labour time.
ISSN on-line 2956-3100
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – November
published every 4 years
Polish-English version
size: 210 x 270 mm
Social assistance and social benefits
Social assistance, child and family services in 2024
Analysis of the situation in the area of family support and social assistance. Basic information on institutional foster care facilities (care and education centres, regional care and therapy centres, pre-adoptive intervention centres) and family foster care (foster families, foster homes), as well as stationary social welfare facilities. Selected information on the childcare for children up to the age of 3 in nurseries and children's clubs, by day carers and nannies, about adoptions, the Large Family Card, day-support centres, help transferred to the families with children in the form of family benefits and child-raising benefits. Basic data on beneficiaries of social assistance, amounts of monetary and non-monetary benefits granted on the basis of decisions, expenditures of the state budget and budgets of local government units for social assistance, family and other tasks in sphere of social policy.
ISSN book 2300-7974 25 395/00
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – September
annual edition
English version: preface, contents, executive summary, general notes, tables, charts, maps
Vol. ca. 100 pages
size: 210 x 270 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 28,00
Social assistance beneficiaries in 2024
Analysis of changes in basic structures of the population of beneficiaries and their households. Types of problems that caused the request for assistance, as well as quantitative and qualitative changes in the population of the beneficiaries of social assistance in the period between 2022 - 2024. Characteristics of beneficiaries of social assistance in Poland, including social assistance conditions.
ISSN book 2544-5952 ISSN on-line 2658-0594 Indeks 25 122/00
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – December
published every 3 years
English version: preface, contents, executive summary, methodological notes, tables, charts, maps
Vol. ca. 100 pages
size: 210 x 270 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 25,00
Retirement and other pensions in 2024
Basic information on retirement pay and other pension benefits. Presentation of changes in the number of retirees and pensioners, the amount of gross benefits, the average amount of gross benefits by type (retirements, disability pensions, survivors' pensions), the dynamics of the observed changes and the relation to average monthly gross wages - from non-agricultural social security system (integration of SII data , MND, MIA and MJ), as well as from social insurance system for farmers (ASIF data). Comparison of the average retirement pension and disposable income of retirees' households with the social minimum and subsistence minimum. Characteristics of the retirees' and pensioners' households
ISSN on-line 2956-2910
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – November
annual edition
English version: preface, contents, tables, charts, maps
Living Conditions of the populations
Poverty in Poland in 2023 and 2024
Estimation of poverty rates calculated with the use of different poverty thresholds as well as assessment of deprivation rates due to various socio-demographic characteristics; selected indicators of living conditions of "poor families"; poverty in Poland compared to situation in the European Union member states.
Indeks 25 133/00
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – December
published every 2 years
English version: preface, contents, executive summary, tables, charts
Vol. ca. 150 pages
size: 210 x 270 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 22,00
The situation of older people in Poland in 2024
Analysis of the situation of older people in Poland. This work contains the characteristics of the population of the elderly and presents seniors’ housing and economic situation. Additionally, a presentation of selected issues concerning health, health care, social assistance and activity of seniors is included here.
ISSN on-line 2956-8358
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – December
annual edition
Polish and English version
size: 210 x 270 mm
Household budget survey in 2024
Analysis of the results of the Household Budget Survey conducted in 2024. The elaboration consists of methodological notes, analysis of selected issues resulting from the conducted research, the tabular part and the annex. Socio-demographic characteristics of persons in the household, level of monthly income and expenditure. Level of consumption of certain foodstuffs per capita in the household as well as the equipment of households with certain durable goods. Dwelling conditions and a subjective evaluation of the financial situation of households.
ISSN book 0208–9793 Indeks 25 331/00
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – September
annual edition
Polish-English version
Vol. ca. 220 pages
size: 210 x 270 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 28,00
Time use survey in 2023
Analysis of the daily time budget of the inhabitants of Poland. The publication consists of two parts in which the structure of time budget will be presented taking into account the time spent on: personal care (sleeping, washing and dressing, eating meals), duties (professional work, study, housework and care of children, the elderly, disabled and sick people, as well as time intended for helping other households, volunteering and religious duties), free time and time allocated for walking and commuting. The analysis of the time budget structure is carried out for people aged 15 or more, taking into account basic socio-demographic characteristics, such as gender, age, economic activity, level of education, place of residence and household biological type. Estimation of the value of unpaid own work in the household and a Satellite Account of Household Production, in monetary terms and in relation to the Gross Domestic Product, will be presented. Changes in the population's time budget over the past 10 years will be discussed. Selected aspects of the time budget will also be presented, such as helping people outside one's own household and the subjective evaluation of activities performed.
Indeks 25 546/00
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – March
one-time publication
English version: preface, contents, executive summary, methodological notes, tables, charts
Vol. ca. 450 pages
size: 210 x 270 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 34,00
Incomes and living conditions of the population in Poland - report from the EU-SILC survey of 2024
Basic information on income, education, health (including self-assessment of health condition), housing conditions, equipment of households with durable goods, respondents' opinions on various material and non-material aspects of living conditions. Selected indicators of social cohesion. Research methodology and organization.
ISSN on-line 2956-3240
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – December
annual edition
Polish-English version
size: 210 x 270 mm
Education in the 2024/2025 school year
Publication provides information on pre-primary establishments, primary schools, stage I and II sectoral vocational schools, technical secondary schools, general secondary schools, art schools, post-secondary schools, special education. Presentation of data on schools, students, graduates, teachers, sections, grades, results of upper secondary school matriculation exam and examination confirming vocational qualifications as well as pre-primary education, and selected forms of child and youth care. In addition to the tabular section, methodological notes, executive summary and analytical notes are also presented.
ISSN on-line 2956-3070
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – October
annual edition
Polish-English version
size: 210 x 270 mm
Higher education and its finances 2024
Basic information on higher education institutions operating in the 2024/25 academic year under the Law on Higher Education and Science Act. Data on the higher education institutions, students and graduates by type of institutions of the system of higher education and science, broad and narrow fields of education, age and sex, academic teachers, doctoral schools, post-graduate and doctoral programmes, conferred academic degrees. Data on the structure and basic financial categories: revenues, costs and financial result of higher education institutions, funds and their use, capital expenditure and renovation costs, educational costs per student. Share of expenditure on higher education in selected European countries and public expenditure in Poland.
ISSN on-line 2720-5738
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – October
annual edition
Polish-English version
size: 210 x 270 mm
50 years of Universities of the Third Age in Poland
Occasional study, prepared on the occasion 50th anniversary of the the Universities of the Third Age (U3A) in Poland. This study provides information on the Universities of the Third Age (U3A), including educational, integrating activities and those promoting active living. The data presented in the publication include the types of courses taught, funding sources and cooperation with external bodies.
Series Brochures and celebratory publications
time of publication – September
one-time publication
English version: preface, contents, executive summary, methodological notes, tables, charts
Vol. ca. 20 pages
size: 180 x 180 mm
Health and health care
Health and health care in 2024
Analysis devoted entirely to the issues of health and health care, The publication consists of methodological and analytical part + the tabular annex (in the electronic version). The methodological notes contain information about data sources as well as terms and definitions used in the statistical reporting which is the main source of data presented in the tables. Analysis of the results of the studies describes the data collected regularly in the framework of official statistics on health status as well as the health care personnel and infrastructure, the economic aspects of health care and the selected current issues related to health care. The text is enriched with numerous maps and charts which better illustrate the results of public statistics on the health care system. The tabular section (exclusively in electronic version) contains the basic data about the health of the Polish population, data on medical workers, as well as information on the number and activity of centers of ambulatory and inpatient care, blood donation, medical rescue and first aid, pharmacies and pharmaceutical outlets and results of the National Health Account as well as on public expenditure on health care. The data has been presented as totals of national scale and also in division by 16 voivodships.
ISSN book 2084-0470 Index 25 259/00
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – December
annual edition
English version: preface, contents, general notes, executive summary, overview tables, charts, maps, tables, annex
Vol. ca. 230 pages
size: 210 x 270 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 30,00
Participation in culture in 2024
Analysis of the participation of the population in culture based on the results of a study conducted on a sample of household budgets. Information on, among others: forms of cultural activity, attitudes towards culture and tradition, use of offers of cultural institutions and local cultural facilities, frequency of participation in cultural life, development of artistic and hobby interests and equipment of households with cultural articles. Comparison of selected information with the results of the 2019 study.
Indeks 25 365/00
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – December
published every 5 years
English version: preface, contents, executive summary, methodological notes, tables, charts, maps
Vol. ca. 100 pages
size: 210 x 270 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 25,00
Culture and national heritage in 2024
Analysis of the activities of public and private entities conducting cultural activities, including: theatres, music and entertainment institutions, cinemas, museums and institutions related to museums, public libraries and other library and information institutions, art galleries and centres of culture, cultural centres and establishments, clubs and community centres. Information on the protection of monuments and national heritage. Presentation of the activities of the state archives. Data on publishing and film production, radio and television subscribers, as well as on the organisation of mass artistic and entertainment events. Analysis of the art and antiques market. Analysis of information on the financing of culture and expenditure on culture incurred by households. Data on equipment with selected cultural items of households. Selected data on artistic education, out-of-school education institutions and classes conducted by them, and their participants, as well as participants of extracurricular activities in schools for children and young people. Financial results of cultural institutions. Analysis of the activities of cultural and creative industries: number of entities, employed persons, average employment and salaries, financial results, foreign trade in cultural and creative goods and services. Information compiled within the Culture Satellite Account: gross output, intermediate consumption, gross value added, compensation of employees, gross operating surplus, exports and imports of cultural goods and services, final consumption expenditures and gross capital formation.
ISSN book 2956-3305, ISSN on-line 2956-3798 Index 25 333/00
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – September
annual edition
Polish-Eglish version
Vol. ca. 215 pages
size: 210 x 270 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 36,00
Tourism, sport and rest
Tourism in 2024
Analysis of the basic data on the capacity and occupancy of tourist infrastructure in Poland, participation of Polish residents in tourism as well as on border traffic. Information on the occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments regarding Poles and foreign tourists. Location and occupancy of accommodation facilities and spatial characteristics of tourism potential differentiation in Poland based on selected indicators. The assessment of the exploitation of tourist potential using selected statistical methods. Information on the participation of Polish residents in domestic and foreign trips and the amount of expenses incurred in connection with trips. Data on non-residents' trips to Poland and their expenses. Information on border traffic concerning passenger traffic on the borders of Poland (of which with countries outside the Schengen zone) - land border, in seaports and airports. Data on border traffic of means of transport on Poland's land border with non-Schengen countries.
ISSN book 1425-8846 Index 25 332/00
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – June
annual edition
Polish-English version
Vol. ca. 140 pages
size: 210 x 270 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 25,00
Border traffic and expenses made by foreigners in Poland and Poles abroad in 2024
Analysis of value and structure of expenses made by foreigners in Poland and Poles abroad. Characteristics of border traffic, its intensity and structure. Purpose of stay abroad, distance from the border of the place of residence and place of purchase, frequency of crossing the border.
ISSN book 1506-686X Indeks 25 105/00
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – October
annual edition
Polish-English version
Vol. ca. 80 pages
size: 210 x 270 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 20,00
Physical education in 2023 i 2024
Analysis of the phenomena associated with physical education in 2023 and 2024. Characteristics of operations of sports clubs in terms of sections, kinds of sports, persons practising sports (including women and teenagers) and of coaching staff. Information on Polish sports associations with regard to kinds of sports, competitors, Polish representatives and sports judges (including with the international class), as well as operations of organizations of physical education and types and standard of sports facilities. In addition, information on the number of mass sports events and their participants as well as on medals won by the Polish competitors in the international arena and on government expenditure on physical education.
ISSN book 2658-0918 Indeks 25 258/00
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – November
published every 2 years
Polish-English version
Vol. ca. 100 pages
size: 210 x 270 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 24,00
Social economy
Management and integration activities of social economy entities in 2023
Analysis the results of the survey of associations and similar social organizations, foundations, faith-based charities, rural housewives clubs and organizations of business and professional associations regarding human resources management and integration activities in social economy entities.
Index 25 558/00
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – October
published every 2 years
English version: preface, contents, executive summary, tables, charts
Vol. ca. 120 pages
size: 210 x 270 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 24,00
Cooperation of social economy entities in 2023
Analysis the results of a survey of associations and similar social organizations, foundations, faith-based charities, rural housewives clubs and organizations of business and professional associations regarding the cooperation of non-profit organizations with public institutions, enterprises and inter-sectoral cooperation.
Index 25 599/00
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – July
published every 2 years
English version: preface, contents, executive summary, tables, charts
Vol. ca. 130 pages
size: 210 x 270 mm
Price: PLN (paperback) 24,00
Housing economy and municipal infrastructure
Housing economy and municipal infrastructure in 2024
Analysis of housing condition and the state of technical infrastructure enabling provision of municipal services. General state of dwelling stocks including basic indicators describing housing condition of population. Dwelling stocks of gminas, including social rental of residential premises and rental of temporary premises, as well as households awaiting social rental from gminas. Infrastructure and municipal services within the scope of water supply and sewage systems, heating, distribution of electric energy, and gas from gas supply system, as well as collection and treatment of municipal waste. The length and density of network, the number of connections, estimates of the population using particular systems, consumption of water, gas from gas supply system, electric energy, and heating energy provided for heating purposes, as well as amounts of wastewater discharged and domestic liquid waste collected from septic tanks. Municipal waste management regarding the amount of municipal waste generated by fractions and sources of origin, treatment of municipal waste, as well as data on landfill sites and illegal dumping sites. Dwelling stocks, arrears in housing fees and eviction actions taken, costs of maintaining apartments and commercial premises, renovations of premises and maintenance fees.
Series Statistical analyses and reports
time of publication – November
annual edition
Polish-English version
size: 210 x 270 mm